Continue your journey through the wonderful world of
Belly Dance
with Sahira
Step by step videos, over a dozen foundational movements, music playlist, practice tracker and much more
For Only $57!
You completed the 7-day Beginner Belly Dance Jumpstart!
Did you have fun?
Now that you've taken this crucial first step you are ready to grow your confidence and dance vocabulary while continuing to express your creativity and connect with your body!
This course is the exciting next step in your belly dance adventure.
I invite you to dive in now.
What you'll gain with this course
❃ More than a dozen of the most exciting and essential moves in the belly dance vocabulary
❃ Increased awareness of your body and the muscles used in belly dance
❃ A movement practice that engages not only your body, but your mind and creativity as well.
❃ Increased confidence in your dance ability
❃ More health, wellness and joy!
- Gina
"Sahira, I am loving this so much. I'm into week 4 of your course. I have dabbled in this beautiful dance for years but just wasn't able to grasp it. Now I'm really feeling connected to my body and I don't mind watching myself in the mirror! Thank you so much."
- Joanne
This 8-week course will take what you've learned in the 7-Day Jumpstart to the next level.
Learn 18 foundational iconic belly dance movements to look and feel confident in your movement, your body and your dance!
This course includes:
8 weeks of step-by-step movement instruction that you can access on any device you own from anywhere in the world
All the basic isolations of belly dance as well as the foundational iconic movements that every belly dancer must know
Clear, concise and friendly instruction that will teach you to understand the movement as well as execute it in a way that is safe and comfortable for YOUR body
Weekly drills to help you hone your movements and commit them to muscle memory
A final combination that will put your fabulous new moves together into a piece you can dance for yourself or for others
A course workbook to help you work through the material in an organized fashion and track your practice and your progress
A fabulous playlist of great Arabic music to get you moving in your practice
and more!
Welcome to the Beginner Belly Dance Technique Toolkit – an 8-week course that will teach you the most iconic moves used in Middle Eastern Dance.
If you are ready to shake things up (quite literally!) and continue your path of self-expression, confidence, joy and health, all while moving in new and exciting ways, you have come to the right place!
Experience for yourself the transformative magic of the beautiful art of belly dance.
Get started now!
"This is just what I needed - Attention to detail with graceful instruction. I need to improve my foundation to continue dancing as I'm getting a little older. Yesterday I practiced hip slides twice and of course while doing dishes. This morning, chest slides and the day is young. I'm really enjoying the videos! Thanks for the boost in enthusiasm!"
- Dey Lynn
"I love the movements and have seen a difference in my body, building muscle in different areas and slimming down in others. I feel like finding your class has helped me move in a different direction not just with my instructing but in life. I can't really explain but you opened my eyes to a whole new world and for that I have to say thank you."
- Gina
This course will give you all the information and tools you need to succeed.
Each week we will walk through 3-4 foundation movements of the dance, drill them for strength and muscle memory and then dance them with music.
Watch as you build your strength, grace and confidence week by week. Once you’ve completed all eight weeks you will have more than enough movements to put together a great combination you can dance to just about any music you like to groove to.
I’d love to share this dance with you and invite you to join me on the dance floor. I keep class accessible and fun…and sometimes just a little bit ridiculous. (I believe that we all learn faster when we are smiling.)
Welcome to the Beginner Belly Dance Technique Toolkit.
Your Belly Dance Journey continues here!
Get started now!
Frequently Asked Questions
Over my last 20 years of teaching I have been witness to the incredible transformative power of this dance. Now that you've had a taste of what belly dance feels like for your body, I invite you to dive deeper into the art form with me and discover the confidence, grace, health and joy that will be yours when you make belly dance a regular part of your life.
I cannot wait to share with you the movement, energy and culture of this dance form and help you continue a beautiful journey of self-expression and grace.
I'll see you on the dance floor soon!