Gain confidence, health and grace through

Belly Dance


with Sahira

Step by step videos, 26+ basic movements, music playlist, practice tracker and much more

For Only $57$37!

This 8-week course is designed to help you begin to master the important foundations of belly dance.

You will learn 18 foundational iconic movements to start looking and feeling confident in your movement, your body and your dance!

This course includes:

8 weeks of step-by-step movement instruction that you can access on any device you own from anywhere in the world

All the basic isolations of this amazing dance as well as the foundational iconic movements that every belly dancer must know

Clear, concise and friendly instruction that will teach you to understand the movement as well as feel the movement in your body

Weekly drills to help you hone your movements and commit them to muscle memory

A final combination that will put your fabulous new moves together into a piece you can dance for yourself or for others

A course workbook to help you work through the material in an organized fashion and track your practice and your progress

A fabulous playlist of great Arabic music to get you moving in your practice

A great introduction into an incredible world of movement and cultural learning opportunity and direction on how to continue your belly dance journey.

and more!


Welcome to the Beginner Technique Toolkit – an 8-week course that will teach you the basic isolations and many of the most important movements used in Middle Eastern Dance.

No-Risk Moneyback Guarantee

If for any reason you do not love the course, we will refund you payment. You have nothing to lose and an incredible world of belly dance skill to gain.

Welcome to The Belly Dance Technique Toolkit.

Your Belly Dance adventure begins here!

Get this special one-time-offer price today only!

Get started now!